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Got unused items in your home taking up space or adding clutter?  

Imagine if every church and school family cleaned one closet and sold the items no longer needed!   Our Savior could have the makings of a record breaking fundraiser! 

This summer, we are challenging you to clean out ONE closet.  Hold a garage sale or utilize simple sale ads such as Facebook, ebay or Poshmark to sell your items.  Donate the funds back to the church indicating "Marketplace Fundraiser" on the check memo line so we can update your donation record.  

As we learn more about stewardship through Sunday morning bible study, let's take time to clear the clutter and reach our fundraising goal! 

    Our Savior Lutheran Church
    Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
    14155 N Highway | Platte City, MO 64079 | PH: 816-335-4049
    1103 S Commercial | Smithville, MO 64089

    Emergency / Spiritual Contact: Christine Bunselmeyer
    PH: 660-868-1121 | Email: